When you think about metal that is used in jewellery making there’s a good chance that gold is the first one to pop into your mind. Gold is durable, beautiful, eye-catching and has a touch of elegance and sophistication about it. It transforms the item that it’s being used on and elevates it. But let’s remember that gold isn’t the only metal, as silver offers its fair share of pros and fabulous features. Silver is used in a wide array of jewellery from watches to necklaces, to rings and bracelets – it can be just as versatile as gold.
Not convinced silver is the way to go for your next piece of jewellery? Let’s take a look at some of the standout features of silver.
There’s No Denying It’s Trendy
While trends come and go, silver has managed to remain stylish throughout the decades. It has an understated elegance to it that makes it perfect for work, everyday wear and even formal events. Silver can be paired with just about anything and look great, making it a highly versatile choice. And because of its soft tone/colour, it doesn’t distract from your look allowing it to be both feminine and masculine all at once.
It’s a Huge Step Up from Costume Jewellery
Silver can sometimes be lumped into the same category as costume jewellery, which does it a huge disservice. Not only does it have more strength and durability, but it also has hypoallergenic properties. If you’ve ever suffered from redness, itchiness or a rash after wearing costume jewellery then there’s a good chance you had an allergic reaction.
Silver on the other hand has some hypoallergenic properties that can be ideal for people that suffer from skin allergies and reactions. Pure silver is entirely hypoallergenic, but it’s also far too soft to make jewellery from. Sterling silver means the piece is made of at least 92.5% pure silver, and then contains other metals to give it strength. Copper is typically used in sterling silver, which is hypoallergenic – so depending on the additional alloy used sterling silver can indeed be hypoallergenic.
Silver Compliments Various Skin Tones
When you’re looking at yellow gold jewellery pieces you may find it doesn’t always compliment your skin tone. Gold has warm rich undertones, that while beautiful may not look great against your skin. Silver on the other hand can be classified as either neutral or cool-toned, which may be the better option for you.
A good trick is to hold a piece of gold jewellery up to your skin and look at what it does. What undertones does it enhance? Does it bring life and colour to your face or make you look washed out? Now do the same test with a piece of silver jewellery. The majority of people will find one looks better than the other.
There Can Be Cost Savings
For those who are mindful of budget and want to purchase something a bit more affordable, silver is the way to go. It’s still a fine metal so you’re not making any sacrifices in quality, yet it tends to be much more budget-friendly than gold.
Don’t Rule It Out
So if you’re on the hunt for a new piece of jewellery be sure to consider silver, as it could be the perfect addition to your wardrobe.
And if you’ve got a piece of jewellery that needs repairs, or valuation, give us a call at 0141 946 6333, we’d be delighted to speak with you.